Do you know any exceptional industry individuals?
If so, nominate him or her for the Exceptional Achievement Service Award.

The Exceptional Achievement Service Award recognizes individuals who have provided exceptional service to the electrical apparatus sales and service industry. The award is presented at the Association convention. 

  • Individuals nominated must have rendered exceptional service to the electrical apparatus industry on a local, national or international basis. They need not be employed by a member firm. 
  • Any member may nominate an individual to receive the award and may submit more than one nomination in any given year.
  • Companies are not eligible.
  • Nominations must include specific reasons for the nomination.
  • Nominations must be accompanied by 至少三(3) corroborating letters of recommendation.
  • Nominations may be made to present the award posthumously.*

The final selection of the award recipient will be at the sole discretion of the International Nominating Committee. Members of the International Nominating Committee are not eligible to submit nominations, 第二次提名, nor to be nominated for the years during which they serve on that committee.

The recipient of this prestigious honor will receive a distinctive award created especially for EASA.

*All nominations shall automatically be reentered into the pools of nominees for a period of five (5) years after the nomination is received.

Submission deadline: January 1, 2025


Access to the 网赌平台奖 nomination form is restricted to EASA members. If your company is a member of EASA, please login to access the nomination form.